Data Representation By Surya and his Team #techwithsurya


Representing numbers

  • Unsigned

  • Signed

  • Floating point

Representing characters & symbols

  • Unicode

Data Representation in Computers

  • Data are stored in Registers
  • Registers are limited in number & size

  • Range of n-bit register for unsigned value is 0 to 2^n-1.
  • Range of n-bit register for signed value is -2^n-1+1 to 2^n-1-1.

Data Representation 

Number System:

  • A Number system of base  or radix, r is a system that uses distinct symbols for r digits. 
  • Decimal number system(Base 10)
  • 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
  • Binary number system(Base 2)
  • 0, 1
  • Octal number system(Base 8)
  • 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
  • Hexadecimal number system(Base 16)
  • 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F



Conversion between number system

  • decimal to binary
  • binary to decimal

Quantitative Numbers

Integers(Fixed-point Representation)

  • Unsigned
  • Signed

Non-integers(Floating-point Representation)

  • Floating point numbers - 10.25, 3.33333…, 1/8 = 0.125

1.Signed Integers

  • We need a way to represent negative values 

  • 3 representations

  1. Sign-Magnitude representation (S&M)
  2. 1’s Complement method
  3. 2’s Complement method

1. Sign-Magnitude Representation

  • n-bit unsigned magnitude & sign bit (S)
  • If MSB (Most Significant Bit) is-

  1. 0 – Integer is positive or zero 
  2. 1 – Integer is negative or zero

  • Range –2^n-1+1 to +(2n-1-1)

Example – Sign-Magnitude

  • If 8-bit register is used what are min & max  numbers?
  • What are 0000 0000 and 1000 0000 in decimal?

  1. Representation of zero is not unique
  2. -  2^(n-1)-1   to   + 2^(n-1) -1
  3. --127    to +127(8-bit)
  4. -7    to    +7(4-bit)
  5.  0,1…7,-0,-1…-7


  • Sign reversal
  • Finding absolute value |a|
  • Flip sign bit


  • Overflow of number 
  • Example
                     11000 ( where 1 is overflow in binary number system)


                    1163( overflow in octal)

  • Adding a negative of a number is not the same as  subtraction

  1. e.g., add 2 and -3Need different operations 

  • Zero is not unique

2. Complement Method

  • Base = Radix

  1. Radix r system means r number of symbols
  2. e.g., binary numbers have symbols 0, 1

  • 2 types

  1. r’s complement (Radix/Base Component)
  2. (r – 1)’s complement (Diminished Radix/Base)
  3. Where r is radix (base) of number system


3.9’s & 10’s complement
4. 1’s & 2’s complement


  • Given a number m in base/radix r & having n digits
  • (r – 1)’s complement of m is
  • (r^n– 1) – m
  • r ’s complement of m is
  • (r^n– 1) – m + 1= r^n– m

(a) If m = 5982 & n = 4 digits

  • 9’s complement is
    9 9 9 9
  5 9 8 2 
   4 0 1 7

  • 10’s complement 
1 0 0 0 0
   5 9 8 2 
4 0 1 8
   9 9 9 9
5 9 8 2
   4 0 1 7                
 4 0 1 8

(b) If m = 382 & n = 3

n = 382 

 999                           1000
-382                           - 382
617                             618

-382 = 617 or 618
Depending on which complement we use
These are called complementary pair

(i) 1’s complement

Calculated by

(2n – 1) – m

If m = 0101

1’s complement of m on a 4-bit system 

1 1 1 1

0 1 0 1

1 0 1 0
1011(2’s Compliment)

This represents -5 in 1’s complement(1010).

Finding 1’s Complement – Short Cut


Addition with 1’s Complement

If results has a carry add it to LSB (Least  Significant Bit)


Add 6 and -3 on a 3-bit system




2’s Complement

Doesn’t require end-around carry operation as in  1’s complement
2’s complement is formed by
Finding 1’s complement
Add 1 to LSB
New range is from -128 to +127
-128 because of +1 to negative value



Difference B/W 1s and 2s Complement. 

1’s complement has 2 zeros (+0, -0)
Value range is less than 2’s complement

2’s complement only has a single zero
Value range is unequal

No need of a separate subtract circuit
Doing a NOT operation is much more cost effective  in terms of circuit design
However, multiplication & division is slow.

Detecting Negative Numbers &  Overflow

  • Check for MSB
  • To find magnitude

1’s complement

Flip all bits

2’s complement

Flip all bits + 1

  • Rules to detect overflows in 2’s complement

If sum of 2 positive numbers yields a negative result,
sum has overflowed
If sum of 2 negative numbers yields a positive result,  sum has overflowed
Else, no overflow


Floating Point Numbers

  • We needed to represent fractional values &  values beyond 2n – 1
  • +3207.23 =3.20723*10^3
  • -0.000321=-3.21*10^-4
where -3=Sign



IEEE Floating Point Standard (FPS)



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